5 Best Fortnite Outfits that everyone loves!

On Fornite, new outfits and cosmetic items come out every day and now this is so hard to keep track of every skin. But I went through the whole list to determine the most popular skin that most people prefer. We all have to agree with the fact that Epic makes some of the coolest character outfits and this is one of the reasons why Fortnite is so popular. Given below are the 5 skins that most people own and are insanely popular. 1) Raven For many people including me, Raven was the first skin purchase. And this article by Polygon proves the same. There was a big hype around it when it was first leaked. Many people were determined to purchase it when it came out. I also think that this is probably the most selling skin in the game. The Raven looks amazing and scary at the same time. 2) John Wick Taking about scary? Nothing can scare you more than a guy with the John Wick skin. To obtain this skin, you need to reach Tier 100 in Fortnite Season 3. If you starte...